AT&T [VA-1]


[VA-1] is a fictitious name. AT&T Corporate Security has requested that the names and exact locations of active AT&T network facilities not be published. Accordingly, such facilities are identified on this web site by fictitious names, shown in [brackets].


[VA-1] is one of five "Project Offices" built by AT&T in the 1960s in the mid-Atlantic region. The station is hardened against nuclear blasts, and features an earth-covered underground building with a "drive-through" entrance-decontamination area, a high-powered troposcatter radio communications system with large concrete-backed reflectors, a helipad, blast-resistant terrestrial microwave "dish" antennas, and physical-security measures beyond those used at conventional AT&T facilities.

Detailed information about [VA-1]'s function has never been revealed. The facility housed a switching system for the Department of Defense's AUTOVON telephone network, but that was probably not the station's primary mission. It's likely that [VA-1] supported a highly-classified Continuity of Goverment program and may have served as an emergency relocation site for senior executive-branch officials and/or military leadership.

[VA-1] is still an active, secure AT&T facility, and unofficial visitors are not permitted.

Aerial Images

Photographed August 19, 2006 by Mike Jacoby
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Aerial Images

Photographed December 18, 2005 by Mike Jacoby
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Aerial Images

Photographed before January 13, 2003
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Updated on August 29, 2006 at 21:24 by Albert LaFrance